Henrik Vikse wasn't happy with his day job so he decided to quit and hasn't looked back since. He decided to start his own business and now that he's his own boss he can work as and when he wants, meaning he has more time to go on epic adventures with his husky named Akiak。亨里克·威克西工作的不開森,於是他毅然辭職不再回首。他決定開始創業,而如今,他做了自己的老闆,而且只要他想——就意味著他有更多的時間,帶上他的哈士奇「阿基亞克」一起開始一段史詩般的冒險。
The two of them travel to some of Norway's most beautiful spots and national parks and share their adventures on Instagram through magical and awe-inspiring photos。這一狗一人去到挪威部分最迷人的景點和國家公園旅行,並在Instagram上分享了這段旅程,照片都有著令人驚嘆的魔力。